p h o u k a   h o m e i r i s h   l e s s o n s   h o m e





Preface to the Fourth Edition

IN five years this little work has gone through three editions. The demand has been steadily increasing. On this account the fourth thousand is now issued.

Some ten years ago written Irish had been nigh reckoned ? thing of the past. Not so to-day ; it is written, as well as read and spoken, by thousands of the growing youth — young men and maidens — in many parishes thoughout Connaught. In several districts through Ireland, persons who ought to encourage the cultivation of their mother tongue — if for no higher motive, for the sake, at least, of learning and scholarship — actually neglect or despise it : still there are found many young men, after the manner of the learned and lamented Thomas Davis, endeavouring by private study to acquire a knowledge of that tongue which it was their misfortune, in earlier days, not to have heard — or if they beard, not to have appreciated. Of our own knowledge, wo are aware that there exists a patriotic rivalry in this respect amongst the students of several colleges in Ireland, France, Rome, Spain, in the Canadas, New Brunswick, the United States. The " EASY LESSONS" have found their way to " the ends of the earth."

This little work, and the " COLLEGE IRISH GRAMMAR," of which it is the complement, are prized in an especial manner 05 the savants in English and German universities. Scholars aiid men of mind in countries beyond the Irish shore, are more alive to the value of Gaelic, than Irishmen in Ireland seem to be. Witness Pritchard, Latham, Blackie professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh ; Newman (London), Donbavand, Sir G.




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self-instruction in irish -Bourke - 1885