
15th century


NH 813 494
6m sw of Nairn
s of B9091
nr Croy


private B&B


B&B site


Kilravock Castle

This is pronounced 'kill-rock'. No idea where the extra 'v' came from.

the castle is now a B&B, incorporatig the original tower

15th century tower house

This is amuch larger castle than it appears at first glance - the tower is massive, and the attached four story wing is even larger.

The tower is from the 15th century, and behind the tiny windows, has five storyes and an attic above. It measures 11.6m x 9.3m, and has very thick (2.2m) walls. The tower house is of pretty standard layout -- vaulted callar, hall on the first floor, private rooms above. There is a bit unique about it, though - the flue for the fireplace in the hall is displaced, as a window lies directly over the fireplace.

The hall block was added in the 17th century, cantilevered off the tower with a square stair tower to make a roughly l-shaped tower. It is substantially larger than the original tower, although not as tall, measuring 20m x 8.3m. The entrance tothe castle was moved to the square stair tower, which serves both the housing block and the first four storeys of the tower.

Porches and corridors made the new wing accessible, and additional wings were added to expand the living space as the castle was enlarged.

A small stretch of the original courtyard wall exists to the southwest. it has a small two-story tower.


the whomping willow

The walled gardens and grounds are open to the public, and on the lane to the castle is just about the weirdest looking tree we've seen -- it looks very much like the Whomping Willow from the Harry Potter films.


There was probably a fortress here when the Roses of Kilravock acquired it by marriege in the 13th century. They built the castle here under the auspices of the Earl of Ross in the 1480s.. It has been the home of the Rose family for 25 generations - including 17 lairds named Hugh.

The castle has been visited by royalty through the centuries, including Mary, and even Bonnie Prince Charlie on the day before the Battle at Culloden.

the back of the castle, with one of the lean-to wings