p h o u k a   h o m e i r i s h   l e s s o n s   h o m e


Book I



leath-uair tar éis lah hoor thraesh half-past
leath-uair tar éis a dó lah hoor thraesh a dho/ half-past two
ceathramhadh tar éis a ceathair kahroo thraesh a kaher a quarter past four
ceathramhadh chun [roimh] a trí kahroo hun [riv] a three a quarter to three
fiche nóimeád tar éis a h-aon-déag fiheh no/maedh thraesh a haen djaeg twenty minutes past eleven
trí nóiméid is fiche chun a deich three nomae-idh iss fiheh hun a djeh (deh) Twenty-three minutes to ten o'clock
seacht nóiméid déag chun a dó-dhéag shochth no/mae-idh djaeg (daeg) hun a dho/ yeag Seventeen minutes to twelve.



ginidh ginih a guinea
punt, púint poonth, poointh a pound, pounds
sobhron sovrun a sovereign
leath-shobhron lah-hovrun a half-sovereign
coróin kuhro/in a crown
leath-choróin lah-khuhro/in a half-crown
giota [píosa] dhá sgilling githa [peesa] ghaw shkilling a two-shilling piece
sgilling, sgillieacha shkilling, shkillacha a shilling, shillings
réal rael a sixpenny bit
se pingne shae pee-ing-eh sixpence
tuistiún thishthoon fourpence
pinginn, pingne pee-ing, pee-ing-eh {ping-in) a penny, pennies
leith-phinginn leh-fee-ing (leh-fing-in) a halfpenny
peoirling f-yo/r-ling a farthing
pinginn go leith pee-ing (pingin) guh leh 1 1/2 d
trí sgillieacha, réal, is leith-phinginn three shkillacha, rael iss leh-fee-ing 3s. 6 1/2 d
Dhá phúnt, ocht sgillieacha déag, cúig pingne, is trí feóirlinge ghaw foonth, uchth shkillacha djaeg (daeg) kooig pee-ing-eh iss three f-yo/r-ling-eh L2 18s 5 3/4 d.
tonna thunna a ton
céad kaedh a hundredweight
cloch kluch a stone
púnt poonth a pound
únsa oonsa an ounce
galún goll-oon a gallon
cárt kawrth a quart
pionta pintha a pint


note that
are not
necessarily pronounced
as in English


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