p h o u k a   h o m e i r i s h   l e s s o n s   h o m e


Book I



Preface to the second edition

Since the first large edition of Irish at Home appeared in July of last year (1921) several reprints have been called for in quick succession. As little more than sox months have passed, then, since the book was published, it would seem that it has filled a definite want in the Irish educational world. And the steadily increasing demand for it which comes both from Ireland and abroad, especially America, woudl go to show that the place it has achieved for itself bids fair to be permanent. I have thought it well, therefore, to take advantage of the call for a further reprint by preparing a second and entirely new edition. THough I have seen no reason to make any essential change in the work, either in structure or detail, I have thoroughly revised it throughout, and have as far as possible made use of the suggestions for its improvement which have come from the uniformly friendly review sof the book and from private sources. I have also added a new section giving the ordinary prayers in the forsm whichi are commonlh 7in use throughout Ireland, and which I have treated on the same system as that hitherto used inthe book. This additonal feature will, I trust, increase the usefulness of the little work, both for the private students, for whom it was originally intended, and for Gaelic teachers, who have used it so extensively and found it so helpful in their class work. That is may also spseed the day when Irish will be the common vernacular or ouf people is my earnest prayer..

Máire ní Cheallacháin, lá Fhéile Bríghde, 1922.

preface to the first edition

This Phrase Book is primarily intended for those desiring to acquire a knowledge of spoken Irish and who have not the opportunity of attending classes or of availing themseilves of private tuition.

Is it planned onthe Phrase Method, as a lengthy experience in the teaching of Irish has convinced the writer that this is the best method of imparting ap ractival knowledge of the lqanguage to the beginner. In acccordance with this plan the phrases have been grouped into dialogues, or connected conversations, on ordinary, every-day subhects in common use in town and country.

The Irish pronunciation of every phrase is given in English spelling, so that the learner is speared the inconvenience of referring to any puzzling phonetic key. There are some soft sounds in Irish which are difficult to represent in English spelling, but these have been speciallyd ealt with so as to enable the learner to master them. The phonetics here usee have been submitted to persons absolutely unacquainted with Irish sounds and the results has been that the pronunciation of the various phrases could scarecely be improved.

Such practical results have proved much more satisfactory than any elaborate or complicated system of phonetics, which is apt to confuse the beginner.

THe book can be used with great advantage by those who already have some knowledge of spoken Irish, and also by those who are either learning or teacyhing ont he Phrase method. The writer knowls taht there is great need for such a publication and hopes that this little book may stimulate interest in the study of spoken Irish, and that it will put many on the right way of eventually mastering the language.

M. ní Cheallacháin.

note that
are not
necessarily pronounced
as in English


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